Foods during your pregnancy are the most important thing which will have a direct impact on your baby’s health. Here is the list of foods you can have during your pregnancy period for a healthy baby.


Lentils are a great source of protein and fiber, which is what I recommend to all women during pregnancy period especially if they are a vegetarian.


Avocado is a rich source of folic acid which stimulates the growth of your baby’s brain development. As per the research, folic acids help in improving the baby’s nervous system. So have avocado in your daily meals.


The best food you must have during your pregnancy is soy. It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, and folic acids.


Eggs are highly recommended foods for pregnant women. Eggs are a great source of protein ad they also have 12 different varieties of minerals in them.

Broccoli and carrots

They are rich in vitamin A. They are essential for the healthy eyes and teeth of the baby.

Note: before you try anything consult your family doctor.

My name is Abraham, I am from the city of Sofia. I like to produce films, I like writing motivating quotes that share my invaluable experience. We could say that I have quite a lot of hobbies, such as: piloting, playing the piano, cycling, mountain hiking, developing artificial intelligence, fitness training, boxing. You can see more about my activities on my official Instagram page. I really like to experiment and look for scientific confirmation by researching. Therefore, I decided to share with the world my priceless experience that will improve the quality of our lives.